Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I Even Coined A Nickname For Myself, Debt Delinquent

Category: Finance, Credit.

On graduating from college I was reeling under the burden of debt.

And then came that first credit card. I knew that with my college degree, I would be able to get stable employment as well as a hefty salary. I took it up without even sparing a glance at the costs involved. I even coined a nickname for myself, debt delinquent. Within two years of working as an executive assistant, I was already drowning in credit card debt and have not been able to pay off my mortgage and insurance premiums. Most people initially react by avoiding their creditors.

WRONG! If they can t reach you or find you, you re safe, right? This tendency to avoid the lender is a bad one as one loses out on possible ways of fixing one s credit situation. Eventually, I did learn, however my lesson. If only I had taken the time to talk to any one of my creditors, I would have been given a chance to pay them off instead of filing for bankruptcy. Remember that your lender is looking forward to repayment. Your lender could easily give you some leeway so as to make it easier for you to pay off the loan.

Your bank will want some of the money that you spent on your holiday sprees. They are not as evil as you think they are. Your credit card issuer will mostly likely give you amnesty, if you promise to pay them back with a span of time. In fact, lending institutions can save you from falling into poverty- - or bankruptcy at least. In fact, you might even be able to convince your lender to do away with some of the fees. But during this time, your credit card accounts might be closed as they do not want you accumulating more debt while trying to pay off your balance. By talking to them, you will have a lot more options on how to settle your balance than by hiding out in the mountains until you think they have surely forgotten about you.

If you have unpaid loans from various institutions, they will almost certainly advice you to join a debt management program or refer you to a debt counselor. With consolidation, all of your debt will fall under one loan. If you are currently struggling with a major burden of debt and have multiple loans to pay, go in for debt consolidation. As a result, there will only be one loan installment that you will have to take care of. Once you finish paying off your outstanding debts, you can once again begin to concentrate on fixing your credit score. Do not worry so much about your credit score at this time, focus on paying off your debts. Just one point to remember is that student loan consolidation works differently and it does not affect your score.

This is a good way to impress upon potential creditors that you made the effort to repay your debts despite your financial troubles. Reaching out to creditors gives them the impression that you want to pay them back and you re willing to do it on terms that are beneficial to both parties.


You Will Be Able To Determine How Dependable The Credit Counselor Is - Finance and Credit:

When in deep financial trouble or needing help in planning finances one could opt for seeking professional advice.

You Also May Find That A Miles Credit Card Will Only Allow You To Travel With One Airline - Lucia Evert's Finance and Credit blog:

Miles credit cards also known as airline credit cards and frequent flyer credit cards are becoming more and more popular all the time.

No CREDIT CHECK - Amber Caspers about Finance and Credit:

A secured credit card is a special type of credit card issued against a collateral. Not only such credit cards are easier to obtain but there use is also reported to major credit bureaus and hence they are a good instrument to improve credit ratings.

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